{Review} How to HOMESCHOOL with Stunning Confidence, Contagious Joy, and Amazing Focus!

Apologia Educational Ministries

Homeschooling has been gaining momentum not only in the United States but in other countries around the world.  Apologia Educational Ministries has created a video course for homeschool moms called How to HOMESCHOOL with Stunning Confidence, Contagious Joy, and Amazing Focus (DVD & Coursebook).  It is a course not only for those who are just starting out in their homeschool journey but for those who have been at it for a while.  I had the pleasure of being to review this course.

How to HOMESCHOOL with Stunning Confidence, Contagious Joy, and Amazing Focus (DVD & Coursebook)

How to HOMESCHOOL with Stunning Confidence, Contagious Joy, and Amazing Focus is a 15 session course with a coursebook and 2 DVDs.  The DVDs come in a clamshell case and the coursebook is a paperback book (not spiral bound like in the picture).

The hosts, Rachael Carman & Leslie Nunnery sit down to discuss different aspects of homeschooling from starting out through graduation.

Here is what is covered in the How to Homeschool course:

Chapter 1: How to Get the Most Out of This Course
Chapter 2: Setting Goals for the Journey
Chapter 3: Finding Support
Chapter 4: Choosing Curriculum
Chapter 5: Practical How-To’s (Nuts and Bolts)
Chapter 6: Organizing Your Homeschool Stuff
Chapter 7: Organizing Your Homeschool Day
Chapter 8: Tips from Veterans
Chapter 9: Family Matters – Marriage
Chapter 10: Family Matters – The Rest
Chapter 11: Dealing with Opposition
Chapter 12: High School Graduation and College
Chapter 13: If College is Not the End Game
Chapter 14: You Can Make It!
Chapter 15: Continuing Education and Encouragement Opportunities

In every chapter there is a reading segment (a couple of pages) in the coursebook, followed by a short 15 minute DVD session to watch, then an assignment to be completed.

The assignments are written assignments, applying what has been discussed in the video sessions.  Assignments include printing the state laws, making a schedule, and brainstorming.

This is a great course to do on your own or in a small group.  It would even make a great course to offer at a co-op to moms while their children are in classes.

My thoughts

I have taken away so much from working through this course.  When it was first offered for review I requested it thinking it would be a great resource for me to check out. Something that I could refer to when I was talking to someone about homeschooling.  What I didn’t expect was how much I gleaned from it and am able to apply it to my own family!

As a part of the assignment for Chapter 3 we are told visit the HSLDA website and to print the laws out from their website for our records.  HSLDA did not have a direct link to the home education statutes for my state, at least for non-members they didn’t.  I suggest annually printing out a copy of the home education state statutes directly from your state’s website that way you know exactly what they are and where to find them should the need arise.  As well as you should print out any laws that directly affect your child such as being able to participate in athletics (It is the Craig Dickinson Act here in FL), receiving special education services, or taking classes at the local public school.  Like Rachael Carman & Leslie Nunnery suggested I agree it is very important to know the laws for your state, inside and out!

With adding our 4th child to the homeschool mix this year and our 5th is close behind, the dynamics are starting to change again for our family.  They will be changing again in the next couple of years as our oldest begins middle school.  Chapter 8 spoke to me and has given me ideas on how to plan our homeschool days in relation to appointments, trips, etc.

In a later chapter we are encouraged to stretch in ways that we have not been stretched before.  It is too easy just to do what is familiar and not take a step out into unchartered waters.  I will be making a point to stretch myself more and encourage the kids to stretch themselves as well.

I am also considering changing things around in our homeschool based on what I have learned through this course.

I highly recommend How to HOMESCHOOL with Stunning Confidence, Contagious Joy, and Amazing Focus (DVD & Coursebook)  to homeschoolers, those who are just beginning their homeschool journey, or those who are looking into homeschooling.



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Homeschool with Confidence & Internship for High School {Apologia Educational Ministries Reviews}

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