{Review} Mapelle Films ~ Trust Fund

Mapelle Films
Something my family and I enjoy doing is watching movies together.  As soon as I watched the trailer for Trust Fund by Mapelle Films I knew that I wanted to see it and and I invited my mom over to watch the film with me.


Trust Fund Movie

Trust Fund is a modern day prodigal child story.  The movie is about a father and his two girls Audrey and Reese.  Audrey is the daughter who follows everything by the book and Reese is the complete opposite of her older sister.  She is an aspiring author trying to finish a book, traveling to Italy, and living a life that most people dream of.

When major changes are made and Reese goes to work at her dad’s office, she discovers money that was left to her and her sister from their mother (who died).  She makes a rash decision to take her share of the money and run back to Italy.  While she is back in Italy she discovers things may not be what they appear to be.

While Reese is back in Italy we also get to see Audrey’s view of the situation and her struggle to understand why their dad is making the decisions he’s making.  She doesn’t feel that it is very fair and wants her dad to handle things the way she would handle them.

Both sisters have lots to learn through this trial!

Please watch Trust Fund to find out what Reese decides to do and if relationships between the father and daugthers are restored.


Trust Fund Trailer:



There is a companion book called ‘Love Was Near‘ that is geared towards adolescents 12 & older to read once they have watched the movie.

If you would like to watch the movie in a small group setting, Mapelle Films has designed a downloadable study guide for small groups to dig deeper into the themes of the movie!  The study guide connects the movie with the prodigal child in Luke 15:11-32.  Then there are discussion questions about the passage, questions about events that occurred in Trust Fund, as well as questions to get adolescents thinking about what is going on in their own life.

My Family’s Thoughts

We thought the acting was well done and clean.  My daughter Sweet Pea (9) stayed up and watched the movie with my mom, my husband, and I.  While the movie is intended for 12+, it is suitable for younger children to watch as well.  The movie does open up opportunities for parents and other adults to discuss topics further in detail with children and teenagers such as lying, deception, and stealing.  Sweet Pea did mention a few times that Reese shouldn’t have done that or that was wrong.

I recommend Trust Fund to anyone who is looking for a movie to watch.


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Trust Fund Movie {Mapelle Films Reviews}

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