Homeschool Convention

I am blessed to live in a state that has one of the largest, if not the largest, homeschool convention in the United States. Our wonderful state group, FPEA, hosts the convention every year, along with a few other conferences and events throughout the year….

{Review} Creating a Masterpiece

  My kids love art. Whether it is painting, drawing, or creating something from their imagination. They are always doing something art related. We were thrilled when we had the opportunity to review the Monthly Plan from Creating a Masterpiece!     Creating a Masterpiece…

{Review} Home School in the Woods ~ Ancient Greece

  HISTORY Through the Ages Project Passport World History Study: Ancient Greece by Home School in the Woods is a fun, hands-on unit study about Ancient Greece.  The timing is perfect for my family to review this study, as Ancient Greece is an upcoming topic in our history curriculum!  My family received…

{Review} Times Tables the Fun Way

Multiplication is brought alive with Times Alive by Times Tables the Fun Way.  Sweet Pea and I had the opportunity to review Times Alive’s monthly online subscription.     In third grade, it was a big deal for us to learn our times tables.  Our teacher,…

A sneak peek!

The 2017 Homeschool Review Crew is off and running!  I am also doing a couple of reviews for Flyby Promotions as well as some individual reviews as a part of the crew.  There is an awesome line up heading your way, including a couple of giveaways! The…

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